Barcelona. 2016

Stand for GSMA at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

> Agency: George P. Johnson

> Role: Creative Lead

> Client: GSMA-AT&T

> Location: Barcelona

> Year: 2016

The GSMA represent the interests of mobile operators worldwide. They unite nearly 800 operators with more than 250 companies and organisations in the mobile world. They also organize Mobile World Congress - an annual event and the world’s best venue for mobile industry networking, new business opportunities and deal-making. GPJ recognised that MWC had become a segmented exhibition space - companies and brands were boxed into set zones. The event didn’t match the reality of a communication eco-system. The two worlds were disconnected. So we set out to build a ‘city scape’ without traditional structure or form. A new environment that moved away from single exhibitor zones and provided a connected and collaborative flow. Creating a venue that was a lot more representative of the digital mobile world it was showcasing.


Somewhere around in planet earth so far.

+34 620 257 396
