La Comunal

Madrid. 2019

Store design for Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero (FPCO) in Madrid downtown.

> Agency: DDB + Supernormal

> Role: Executive Creative Director

> Client: FPCO

> Location: Madrid

> Year: 2019

LA COMUNAL is the new name of the physical store that, since 1960 and with the aim of bringing the characteristics and benefits of extra virgin olive oil closer to the direct consumer, has the Fundación Del Patrimonio Cultural Olivarero in the center of Madrid. Quickly and basically: our action, always respecting the path and work of the institution and taking as a base the most characteristic elements involved in the production of oil, tries to renew the aesthetic and expressive codes of what should be a point contemporary sale of an ancestral product and so culturally linked to our history.

Our concept tries to renew the aesthetic and expressive codes of what should be a contemporary point of sale of an ancestral product and one that is so culturally linked to our history, always respecting the path and work of the institution and based on the elements most characteristic that intervene in the production of the oil, The staircase appearing as a resounding and expressive volume (with the green terrazzo of the pavement as a differential element) and the lower floor, the basement, which houses the services (with a Mediterranean play on the tiles and pavements), a multifunctional room where the Foundation can Develop tastings, presentations, courses, exhibitions or any other event related to your activity. For this, for example, some folding tables have been designed that help accommodate all these different situations. And as for the materials used, again terrazzo and wood.


Somewhere around in planet earth so far.

+34 620 257 396
